Walk in NYC # 3, from Brooklyn to Chinatown and Little Italy, is the 3rd of my three favorites walks to introduce New York City to newcomers. Already a bit off the beaten path, it offers you superb views of the Manhattan skyscrapers.
It is now only available on Payhip in pdf format with a clickable map and updated descriptions.
In this pdf you will also find:
- the list of Highlights.
- the Metro stops to get there and back and infos for Buses.
- tips about restrooms, places to sit and eat.
- details about a particular place you will find on your route.
You can download it (or just the map of the walk) to your phone to help you in your discoveries.
This will allow you to live a unique experience of the city far from what you might find elsewhere.
Find it on Payhip.
Otherwise, the description below, incomplete and with cropped photos, gives you an idea of this walk before you decide to buy it.

A: Take the metro to … and once there, find … on the right.
At the corner of …, again on your right, you’ll see…
If not, a little before this kiosk, take a passage on your left to reach … You’ll cross it to find … in front of you.
You are now in …, one of the most upscale neighborhoods of this borough with its neat brownstones.
B: Your path will take you to…. Take a right on it for beautiful views of the brownstones and their wrought iron balconies on one side, Lower Manhattan on the other.
At .. area, continue to …
C: Once you’ve reached …, you’ll be at the limit of …
First option: turn right to go along a series of pizzerias. If it makes you hungry, try …, one of the oldest in the city with a queue that can however discourage you (have a look inside anyway, it’s worth it).

From here, continue straight ahead, pass under …, turn left on … and find the entrance (which should be indicated if you are lost) to….
Second option: turn left on …. then right on …. You’ll go… to reach… at the water edge, then…, two photogenic places where you can also take a break.
From there, find … it will take you towards the….
D: You are now on … and it’s well worth the time it will take you to…, taking photos, avoiding tourists and cyclists, watching ….

E: At the exit .. go …, take it on your right and go along a whole set of imposing administrative buildings until your reach … Take it on your right again, then cross ..
You’ll see there ruffled Chinamen playing cards and their wife cluttered with bags full of vegetables bought from local merchants.
Take … on the left and..on the right (see if you can find the tea shop, unique) and you will be right in …
F: The path indicated on the map is only a possible variant to get you to …which you can follow to go to … If you go through …for exemple, you’ll find a chopstick shop, then the …(worth a visit if you have the time and the interest); then an herbalist at …
In any case, you’ll see lots of exotic grocery shops, cheap restaurants, bakeries filled with often excellent cakes, and souvenir shops.
About these, once you have agreed on a price, take your goods before paying otherwise it may be that once you have given your money, the merchant adds the taxes and refuses to refund you if the practice does not suit you (there are signs indicating taxes, but they are not always visible).

G: Once you are at…., turn left, … is not far and you’ll recognize it by …
H: The contrast between the two neighborhoods is radical but if … really looks like …, … is more like a shop window for tourists.
However, the decorations are typical and nothing forces you to stop there to eat (despite all the offers that you’ll get).
Take .. in one direction then ..in the other, between ….. and …, and you’ll see most of what there is to see.
I: Your trek can now stop at …. Station or …Station a little further away if you want another option for subway lines.
Convinced that this walk will be exceptional? Find it on Payhip.