The multiple sides of Upper West Side

Walk in NYC # 11, the multiple sides of Upper West Side, is a 3 miles self-guided tour that will take you about 2 hours of strolling and taking photos, much more if you visit the different highlights along the way and take your time along the Hudson River.

This walk is now only available on Payhip in pdf format with a clickable map and updated descriptions.

In this pdf you will also find:

  • the list of Highlights.
  • the Metro stops to get there and back and infos for Buses.
  • tips about restrooms, places to sit and eat.
  • details about a particular place you will find on your route.

You can download it (or just the map of the walk) to your phone to help you in your discoveries.

This will allow you to live a unique experience of the city far from what you might find elsewhere.

If you purchased the Boston NYC book, this download will be free for you, just send me a note for an access code for this walk if you don’t have it already.

The description below, incomplete and with cropped photos, gives you an idea of this walk before you decide to buy it.

A: Your tour starts at the…. You’ll find it on …, in front of the …

It’s a free museum, a rarity in NYC, and well worth a visit to discover unusual art and sometimes be rewarded by a free concert in the lobby.

B: Once done, take …n front of you. On the right, along t…, take a flight of stairs. Then, on your left, an elevated pathway to reach the …and its reflecting pool, Moore sculpture, and grassy inclined terrace.

It’s your first step at the …, a complex of about 30 indoor and outdoor performance facilities.  Many of them have a worldwide reputation like the …

The buildings themselves are from the 1960’s. It shows in their rather severe architecture, but recent renovations make for a pleasant walk on the plaza and good people watching. The fountain and the buildings around it are also quite a sight when illuminated at night.

If it’s open when you come, go and see the famous …; otherwise, peek at it from the outside!

Next, take the … by way of the … and its famous shell where outdoors concert are fairly common at night.

Once your reach …, turn right then take the … on your left.

You’ll be on a pedestrian way going through the ….

It’s a housing project established in 1948,  consisting of 13 red brick buildings. Stay along a playground until you find a charming stairway. It will bring you back to …and its sidewalks and cars. Yet this part of the street is named … in honor of the American jazz pianist that lived there for years!

C: Keep going on … until you reach… . Turn left until ….Then turn right in order to reach the …

Not much to see along the way except residential buildings but once you’re on the…y, it’s another New York experience you get: the pathway on your right is very well landscaped with plants, benches and lounge seats. It’s quiet …, even if the elevated highway is not far from you.

Keep walking …; you’ll see … and one of the locomotive that used to go to the NY Central Railroad Transfer Bridge.  The bridge itself, at least its impressive remnants, will be a bit further at … Keep going to reach t… with tables and lounge outdoor chairs, then …. A bit further, you’ll be able to have a drink and some food, in season, at the P…

D: Keep following…a bit longer then turn right to go under the….

You’ll reach another park, and find there the …, a statue of the former 1st lady. Then a fountain, and a playground.

Generally speaking, it’s a quiet place where people of the neighborhood come to relax, between the …

Once you reach …. (you’ll have to cross a busy intersection at …), take it on your right for two blocks.

You’ll find…on your left, a big gourmet grocery store specialized in cheese, smoked fish, coffee, and spices.

Open since 1934, it’s a kind of NYC icon where you can also eat.  The prices are in part with the neighborhood, though, but you’ll surely find products you never thought you would see in the US.

E: Once out of the store, take … on your right. Follow it until …. Take it on your left to reach the …on your right, once at …

It’s mainly what its name implies, …. Yet you’ll find there, on the 1st floor, a small gallery open to the public, and possibly rows and rows of strollers, a sight in themselves.

F: After that, keep going on… until you reach …

On your right, the …. Each will keep you busy for the remaining of your time, if you have some.

In any case, it’s where this walk ends. 

If the two … don’t appeal to you and you want to keep exploring this part of NYC, turn right instead of left once you’re on… You’ll be at the beginning of Walk in NYC # 12, from Central Park to the Upper East Side, just after …

Convinced that this walk will be exceptional? Find it on Payhip.

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