Walk in NYC # 4, the High Line-Hudson River Stroll, is a 4 miles self-guided tour. It will take you about 2 hours if strolling and taking pictures, much more if you visit the various recommended places on your way. It’s one of my 4 favorite to show the city to newcomers.
It is now only available on Payhip in pdf format with a clickable map and updated descriptions.
In this pdf you will also find:
- the list of Highlights.
- the Metro stops to get there and back and infos for Buses.
- tips about restrooms, places to sit and eat.
- details about a particular place you will find on your route.
You can download it (or just the map of the walk) to your phone to help you in your discoveries.
This will then allow you to live a unique experience of the city far from what you might find elsewhere.
Find it now on Payhip.
Otherwise, the description below, incomplete and with cropped photos, gives you an idea of this walk before you decide to buy it.

A: Take the metro to… then follow directly the signs to …, a unique structure nicknamed …
The entrance is free but book your ticket in advance if you don’t want to wait. Otherwise, follow … to access the beginning of … on your left, see … from afar and get back to… by another entrance.
Alternatively, stop at … visit the new…, sleek and modern, then walk along… It will add about 30 minutes to your walk.
At …, have also a look at … with its free art shows and/or the.. with its numerous …, often luxury ones. If you feel like it and if you have a reservation (there’s a fee to enter), climb…
You’ll then be ready to rejoin the .. at West….
If you don’t have a reservation to access it and need one, you’ll be able to register using an app whose QR code you’ll find there.
In any case, don’t miss the unexpected views of the … subway trains (go left along the…. then get back) and go and see the sculptures under the …. (go straight instead of turning directly right on ….).
The ….was an old elevated railway line built in its time to avoid accidents. It was nearly demolished before being transformed into a hanging garden by an association of visionaries.
It’s now a model of urban landscaping. It winds between old industrial buildings and more contemporary ones; you’ll see artworks, places to sit, wild plants, and windows opening to the streets below.

B and C: At…t., find the elevator or the staircase and go down to visit …; if the… is really too busy to your liking, you can also reach the … earlier than planned by following…St until its end. Then take the …de on the left.
Galleries are on …. heading west, then on the… when returning to …. Most represent living and world-famous artists.
If you want to see more art, take …. The journey is shorter and shorter because of the geography of the place. You’ll then be able to take the …., even though there is no lift at this location.
Otherwise, retrace your steps to go back to the …. elevator.
D: At …., take again the elevator or the stairs to reach … practically right under your feet.
You’ll find the entrance to …. a tall red brick building facing you.
It’s not a former meat plant despite the name of the district, but a biscuit factory transformed into a market of fresh produce; it houses many restaurants and its industrially themed decoration is worth a look.

E: Once done with your visit, take… back at the same location, or, to go to …, follow … and turn right on …
…is a artificial … at least worth a look from a distance if you cannot access it as, depending on the times, a free reservation could be needed.
In any case, you’ll find the… at the end of the …or on your right along the…. if you went to…
It moved here in 2015 and its architecture is probably a nod to the old neighborhood buildings. Inside, it has large and bright halls that enhance… and the path to an outdoor staircase offering beautiful views of Manhattan.
To visit it, count at least two hours, and don’t forget to book your tickets in advance to avoid the line.
F: From there, find then …. you’ll be in the ….
It’s again a garden, but this time along the water; it offers splendid views of … in the distance and the …banks on your right.

You’ll find benches along your way, toilets, play areas, and a dog park.
At …, the Village Community Boathouse offers free rowing lessons in season, but inquire before for schedules.
The pleasure, however, consists mainly in walking among the joggers and cyclists (cyclists have reserved lines, don’t worry) while gradually approaching the …
G: Once in sight of …., your path reaches a covered and elevated pedestrian crossing: you can either take …on the left, then turn right once on ….; or turn right to continue along the riverbanks up to …; then take it on your left.
In both cases, your goal is to reach…. It’s next to … so look to it to find your way.
Once there, you won’t be able to miss its entrance;… It replaces the metro station destroyed during 9/11; under its slender and spacious structure, you’ll find …; you’ll also find the largest shopping center in Manhattan.
It means countless shops, some luxury ones, are waiting for you, and that’s how this trek will end!
Convinced that this walk will be exceptional? Find it on Payhip.