Walk in NYC # 15, in Hudson Heights and Washington Heights, is a 4 miles self guided tour with views at the north tip of Manhattan. You will be in sometimes isolated parks, you will cross lively Latino neighborhoods, you will discover a haunted house, you will see the oldest bridge in the city.
This walk is now only available on Payhip in pdf format with a clickable map and updated descriptions.
In this pdf you will also find:
- the list of Highlights.
- the Metro stops to get there and back and infos for Buses.
- tips about restrooms, places to sit and eat.
- details about a particular place you will find on your route.
You can download it (or just the map of the walk) to your phone to help you in your discoveries.
This will allow you to live a unique experience of the city far from what you might find elsewhere.
Find it now on Payhip.
Otherwise, the description below, incomplete and with cropped photos, gives you an idea of this walk before you decide to buy it.

A: Your tour starts at …. if you want to exit the metro through a large and old elevator. You will reach an entrance transporting you to medieval time and giving you a chance to explore … in details: you’ll walk one way to reach … then another to get back to ….
Otherwise, stay in the subway until …to reach the …. more rapidly.
From …metro, walk toward the entrance of …; go straight to the … Promenade to access ….
There, you’ll have views on the Hudson river, the Washington Bridge and the forested New Jersey shore.
This park is hilly with many stairs, granite stone walls and bridges. You’ll find many possible paths to reach the Cloisters, the one of the map is just a suggestion. Basically, though, keep mainly on your left without going down too much otherwise you’ll have to go up again.
B: …is an unusual but adequate place to host the… as it was made from medieval structures bought in Europe. If you enter and visit…, it’s not sure you’ll do the rest of the walk so just have a look at it for now!
Once done, face the way you came and keep left to go back to … You’ll now explore the side of the park looking toward …
If you came through ….t metro station, keep right once at …., the path there is more varied than the one on the left.
In both cases, back on the avenue, go straight until …on your right; then … on your left until ….on your right.
You want to go on …., a small and quiet street overlooking the Hudson river. It will offer you good views of the Washington Bridge.
At its end, take …then follow again … for a few yards. When you see a stair on your left, take it. It will more or less be in front of a complex of cooperative apartment buildings called …. with doormen in uniform.
You’ll then reach P… only to realize the passageway you took was a private one reserved for the … tenants.

C: Take … on your right until …..
It’s the highest natural point in …with old canons and a panel telling you why there are there. With its rows of benches, it’s also a meeting point for the locals
Next, keep walking to the end of ….
There’s a stair there that will perhaps make you think you are in Montmartre.
At its bottom, turn left on … You are suddenly in a busy street with many local restaurants and ethnics grocery stores.
If you are not interested in exploring them, take…. on your right as soon as you reach it. Otherwise, wait until you reach ….. It will lead you back to …. with a detour.
C: Your destination is the …
To reach it, you’ll have to go …by the Greyhound building with its interesting if somewhat depressing architecture. The park will perhaps give you the same impression; yet if you go through it toward the river, you’ll find an esplanade with one of the best views of the Washington Bridge, much open than the previous ones on this tour.
Once you have enjoyed the view, retrace your steps. Take .. more or less in front of the park.
D: On … and on your right, you’ll see the … with its eclectic architectural styles. It was once a grand movie theater and is now an interfaith spiritual center; next to it, the …. where there’s often an open door market.

Keep going on …. until …, a 15mn walk.
You’ll realize that the many nationalities composing the neighborhood are indeed coming from Las Americas. Spanish seems the dominant language. At one point, it even looks like mechanics do their trade along the sidewalks, like in many countries south of the border. But who knows what they are really doing?
E: In any case, once on …. turn right and find the entrance of the …. park; it will be on your left after the … Recreation Center.
You’ll pass along a swimming pool and see the pretty …, under renovation at this time (Nov 2020).
Keep going, even though you’ll think you have reached a dead end. You’ll eventually find a steep staircase behind the swimming pool. It will lead you to …., the oldest bridge of the city, once used as an aqueduct.
It’s now a pedestrian walkway linking …., with benches to sit high over the river.
When you tired of the view, retrace your steps and this time, keep walking south, far above the Harlem river.
You wouldn’t have thought you could feel so far from the town even though you can hear the roars of the cars below you. Beware, though, it’s not sure the trail is safe at night, it’s a very lonely one.
F: Follow it at least 15 minutes to reach two of the strangest places in the city: the 1st one is the presumably haunted…. and its interesting history. It sits along the historic … and its row of Queen Anne style houses.
G: The 2nd one, in front of it, is the quaint …. with its picture-perfect 19th century townhouses.
You’ll have to ring if you want to have a tour of the .. house; that will be the only way to verify if it houses ghosts or not.

After, that, you’ll follow …to its end; the staircase you’ll find will lead you to ….
Turn left then pick any streets you want to go to …. Turn right on it.
H: Once you’ve cross …, you’ll see on your left many buildings part of the …. There’s a pretty cloister there, worth a look if its doors are open.
I: Your final destination is the …., on your right once you cross Broadway.
It’s a large courtyard with Beaux Arts/American Renaissance buildings conceived as a cultural campus. You’ll find there t…., a perfect ending to this walk once it reopens after some major renovation. It houses artworks from Spain, Portugal and Latin America.
Next to it, the ….will allow you to go to other destinations.
Convinced that this walk will be exceptional? Find it on Payhip.