Walk to NYC #16, the quiet Bay Ridge, is a 3 miles self-guided tour in southwest Brooklyn, along the Upper Bay coast. You will take a fast ferry for 40 minutes, see Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty from afar, find restaurants much cheaper than in the city center.
This walk is now only available on Payhip in pdf format with a clickable map and updated descriptions.
In this pdf you will also find:
- the list of Highlights.
- the Metro stops to get there and back and infos for Buses.
- tips about restrooms, places to sit and eat.
- details about a particular place you will find on your route.
You can download it (or just the map of the walk) to your phone to help you in your discoveries.
This will allow you to live a unique experience of the city far from what you might find elsewhere.
If you purchased the Boston NYC book, this download will be free for you, just send me a note for an access code for this walk if you don’t have it already.
The description below, incomplete and with cropped photos, gives you an idea of this walk before you decide to buy it.

Your walk begins at …, the ferry terminal for Bay Ridge. The nearest metro station is …
The ferry ride costs no more than a metro ticket; however, you’ll need to buy your ticket on site as the MetroCard is not accepted. This will allow you to ask where and when the next ferry leaves and to watch the river traffic on the…. In any case, your wait should not exceed 30 minutes.
Once you’re gone, the ferry runs along … for a first stop a little further east.
From there, you start to have beautiful views of lower Manhattan and then, gradually, of the Jersey Shore.

The ferry then passes between …, its second stop. The Statue of Liberty stands behind the trees. At …, it’s an opportunity to see some of the NYC docks and some of the cargo ships that supply the city.
You then take speed to head to ….where there is probably not much to do if you are not part of the army.

A: Finally, the 4th stop is also the last. You disembark on a pontoon where locals have settled with their fishing rod, and you suddenly feel very far from Manhattan.
B: From there, go under…e and turn left towards one of Bay Bridge’s green jewels,….. Enter it but stay on its right along …. Then take… once out of the park.
There are beautiful private streets to the right of this street, … being a good example. This gives you a second idea of the neighborhood, residential and quiet.
C: When you arrive at … one of the two shopping streets, turn left and then take …. on the right.
On either side of the street, superb Brownstones in a Renaissance Revival style. They date from the beginning of the 20th century when Bay Ridge began to attract the middle class. They all have lion heads on each side of the staircase leading to their front door and if they are not yet listed, it will probably come one day.

Once at …, turn right. You are now in the second commercial artery of Bay Ridge and several options are available to you: the map suggests you take … a little further on the right to join…. then take it on the left, but you can also let yourself be guided by what attracts you.
If you follow the path indicated, there is an unique cafe at the corner of … and …. Otherwise, in one avenue or the other, you will find various restaurants much cheaper than in Manhattan, and places where you can have a drink. You will also see stores of all kinds run by residents of all nationalities.
D: In either case, when you arrive at… turn right toward …. On the way, you will have to take a staircase which gives the place an air of Montmartre. The streets are again quiet and residential, each house with its particular character.
E: At…., you have two choices again. If you want to go back to Manhattan by subway, that’s what the map tells you: turn left to….; then take the second staircase in the neighborhood. It’s prettier than the one on …. so if you take only one, take this one; then continue until …where you will find a metro station at.. St.; or, if you still want to stroll on … with views of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in the distance, continue to another subway station at….
The other option is to return to Manhattan by ferry. For this, continue straight toward…and its beautiful houses … take …to the right until …. a charming little green space; then join the ferry terminal by turning left at the end of the botanical garden.
It is probably on this part of the promenade that you will best realize that… in particular must have been a sought after place; today, however, the Belt Parkway brings with it the noise of cars and partly destroys the attractiveness of the coast. Yet the place remains interesting by the contrast it offers with Manhattan that you can still see in the distance.
NB: if you like architecture and don’t mind to walk more, “The Gingerbread House” at … is unique: coming out of a fairy tale or the story of the Lord of the Rings, it was designed in 1916 by the architect JS Kennedy and built in 1917 for a shipowner. It is perfectly maintained in the middle of a grand park.
From there you can reach the …. metro or the ferry along … (there is an access to Old Glory lookout) but that adds about 2 miles to your walk.
Either way, you’ve reached the end of this walk in the quiet Bay Ridge.
Convinced that this walk will be exceptional? Find it on Payhip.
Edith Laubsep